Location: Gold Coast, QLD
Client: Kane Constructions
Services: Lead Remediation
Value: $0.65 Million
Duration: January 2021 – Ongoing
Project Details
Aztech Services Australia was engaged by Kane Constructions to complete lead removal works over two warehouses at the City of Gold Coast Carrara Depot as a part of the roof upgrade project.
Aztech Services Australia remove bulk lead containing paint off all roof beams, Columns, Cross braces and cleats in preparation for overpainting.
The current staged works entertains a lot of high risk activities inclusive of working around live power, Working at heights, Mobile Plant (EWP’S) and working in and around a live facility.
All statutory requirements were met with the provision of site-specific documentation, LAA sign offs, waste cartage, EPA tracking and disposal of waste, evidence of health surveillance and RPE Fit Testing for all hazmat employees in accordance with the Code of Practice.
Project Facts
- Smart strip pro red was utilized to chemically strip the majority of lead paint
- Remediation completed with up to 10 technicians on site daily
- 8 tonnes of hazardous waste removed from site
- 3418 work hours with zero ITIS
- All stages of works were completed ahead of program
- 2 x depot warehouses programmed to be completed through 13 stages of works

What Our Clients Say
“Kane and Aztech have been working collaboratively together for the past year delivering challenging however, successful projects. The management and field team work with professionalism, taking an innovative and pragmatic approach to each project. Aztech have assisted with finding efficiencies through defining complex methodologies and project strategies. Regardless of size of the project or task given, the team have continued to demonstrate their commitment to providing the highest quality work and this is promoted throughout each role each employee has on the project. This has helped develop a reputation for quality, dependability and exceptional client service. The transparent and openness of the team is highly regarded and we will continue to work with Aztech for many projects to come.”
Kane Construction