Location: Murarrie, QLD
Client: Plexxcon
Services: Lead Paint Remediation
Value: $1.431 Million
Duration: December 2021 – March 2023
Project Details
Aztech were approached by Plexxcon in late December 2021 after lead containing paint was found in metal roof trusses of the Visy VP8 building. We completed compliant removal of lead containing paint (LCP) utilizing dustless blasting techniques for Plexxcon in an industrial environment.
Plexxcon are a newly formed tier 2 construction company that started in 2021. Plexxcon specialize in the more complex jobs normally involving some form of hazardous materials removal, as such, Aztech are the first point-of-call to assess and carry-out any remediation works required.
Project Facts
- 14 Month project- 7800 working hours with zero LTIs.
- Working in hot conditions (building cool rooms).
- Working above a live papermill facility off a counter-levered scaffold design.
- One of the only trades on site to complete our works inside programmed times.