Location: Phillip, ACT
Client: Chase Construction Pty Ltd
Services: Asbestos & Contaminated Soil Remediation
Value: $0.177 Million
Duration: May – July 2022
Project Details
We were recently engaged to remove concrete plinths that had been covered with an asbestos waterproofing membrane at a site in Phillip, ACT. During the removal of the plinths, extensive soil contamination was identified, and we were subsequently engaged to remediate the site.
The site was in the middle of a bustling business precinct that presented challenges with logistics and perception management. Through meticulous planning and stakeholder engagement, our remediation team was able to navigate these challenges and successfully complete works on-site, without disruption to neighbours or surrounding businesses.
The project ran for over 2.5 months, with our team removing more than 500 tonnes of contaminated soil ahead of program, on budget, and without incident.
Project Facts
- Remediation was completed with up to 4 technicians on-site daily.
- 500 tonnes of hazardous waste removed from site.
- 390 work hours with zero LTIs or incidents.